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Ozarks Community Hospital
Gravette, Arkansas

Ozarks Community Hospital (OCH) of Gravette is located in what was previously known as the Gravette Medical Center Hospital Building. The hospital currently offers a 25-bed inpatient floor and a 24-hour fully staffed emergency room. OCH of Gravette employs several doctors who are board certified in Emergency Medicine.
Services offered at OCH of Gravette include: psychology, physical therapy, radiology and emergency services.
The OCH of Gravette Hospital has a 24 hour Emergency Room that is open 7 days a week. OCH of Gravette also encompasses a clinic located next to the hopsital.
1101 Jackson St. SW
Gravette, AR 72736
Phone: 479-787-5291
Emergency Room
24-hours, 7-days a week
For inclement weather or necessary location closures, please refer to our Facebook for the latest updates.
- Anesthesiology
- Behavioral Health – Psychology
- Cardiopulmonary
- Diagnostic Imaging Services
- Emergency Services
- Emergency Medicine
- Geriatrics and Long Term Care
- Geriatric Intensive Outpatient Psych
- Inpatient Services
- General IPS
- Swing Bed
- Integrated Care Services
- Lab Services
- Occupational Medicine
- Outpatient Services
- Infusions
- Transfusions
- Geriatric
- Pediatrics
- Primary Care and Family Practice
- Sleep Lab Services
- Therapy Services (Adult)
- Pediatric
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- IOP, Wound Care
- Physical Therapy
- Surgery Services
- Endoscopy
- General
- Orthopedic
- Pediatric Dental
- Podiatry
Swing Beds at OCH of Gravette
Swing Beds are an extended-care option for those recovering from illness or injury. If you no longer need to be in a hospital setting but are not yet capable of full independence at home, you could be a candidate!
Candidates must have had a 3-day hospital stay within the past 60 days to meet admission criteria. Contact Maggie McKenzie (479) 344-6460 for more information.
Utilze Swing Bed services for:
- Rehab therapy after surgery
- Decline in functioning following illness
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Extended antibiotic therapy
- Complex wound care