About OCH
About Our Mission: Ozarks Community Hospital and clinics are dedicated to providing exceptional healthcare and preventive services to patients in an atmosphere of compassion, respect, and dignity, with a commitment to care for the underserved and to improve access to care.
About Our Health System
Ozarks Community Hospital consists of our main hospital campus in Gravette, Arkansas and a variety of clinics located throughout Missouri and Arkansas. OCH also includes a business office located in Springfield, Missouri.
As a whole, we pride ourselves on our employees’ commitment to do what is right, no matter the cost.
Together, our hospital staff is dedicated to providing a compassionate environment for each of our patients and continued access to healthcare for all.

Ozarks Community Hospital is the lowest cost healthcare system in the nation based on hospital and physician utilization by Medicare beneficiaries.
About Our Affordable Prices
More than 80% of patients visiting OCH have governmental insurance or are self-pay.
We provide discounts of 40% or more to uninsured patients.
Long-Term Care Collaboration
Ozarks Community Hospital works closely with many long-term care facilities. Direct and bedside admissions to OCH expedites the admissions process, increasing efficiency for patients and the facilities. In addition to transport services to and from facilities, OCH also employs wound specialists, who provide wound assessment for nursing home residents. The wound care team works directly with long-term care facilities to develop a plan of care that can be managed in the facility with the products they use. Collaboration with area long-term care facilities ensures high continuity of care for each patient.