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K. Jake Sample, MD

K. Jake Sample, MD is an Internal Medicine physician with Ozarks Community Hospital. Dr. Sample sees patients (18 years+) at the OCH Decatur Clinic (M,W,Th,F) and OCH Gravette Clinic (Tues).
- Internal Medicine
- Primary Care
- Hospital Medicine
Education & Training
- University of Memphis Bachelor of Science – Biology
- St. George’s University School of Medicine – Medical Doctor
- University of Tennessee – Internal Medicine Residency
- OCH Gravette Hospital
Phone: (479) 787-5291 - OCH Decatur Clinic
Phone: (479) 752-3233 - OCH Gravette Clinic
Phone: (479) 787-5221
Looking for a Doctor?
The Ozarks Community Hospital system employs dozens of medical providers across 20+ hospitals and clinics.