OCH News Archive

Keeping Athletes in the Game
Keeping Athletes in the Game

Tips to Protect Muscles and Joints from Sports Medicine Expert Dr. Brandon Morris  For athletes and active individuals, staying in top physical condition is key to performing well and avoiding injuries. We recently spoke with Brandon Morris, MD, an orthopedic surgeon...

OCH Celebrates 25 Years
OCH Celebrates 25 Years

Celebrating 25 Years of Compassionate Care This year marks a significant milestone for Ozarks Community Hospital (OCH), as we proudly celebrate 25 years of serving the Ozark regions in both Arkansas and Missouri. Headquartered in Gravette, Arkansas, OCH is a bi-state...

Back to School: Tips for Families
Back to School: Tips for Families

As the summer draws to a close, the excitement and anticipation of a new school year begins to fill the air. However, for many families, the back-to-school season can also be a source of stress and chaos. From adjusting sleep schedules to organizing supplies, there’s a lot to manage. Ozarks Community Hospital has some practical tips and strategies to help make the transition back to school smoother for both parents and children.

Conquer Allergy Season
Conquer Allergy Season

Conquer Allergy Season: Tips and Tricks for Year-Round ReliefDo you find yourself sniffling and sneezing all year round, plagued by allergies that just won't quit? You're not alone. We sat down with OCH’s very own Dr. Robert McDonald, to learn some helpful tips and...

Black History Month
Black History Month

As Black History Month ends, we want to share how Ozarks Community Hospital is listening to the voices of our patients and staff to make our hospital and clinics a place of equity for all.EQUALITY means each individual or group is given the same resources or...

OCH Celebrates 2022 Doctors’ Day
OCH Celebrates 2022 Doctors’ Day

March 30 is National Doctors’ Day. Let’s thank a doctor today! On this day each year, the nation celebrates physicians and the incredible work that they do for patients every single day. These past few years have heightened the awareness of the astonishing work that...

A Message from our CEO, Paul Taylor
A Message from our CEO, Paul Taylor

Thanksgiving 2021 I will begin with the cliché: it is time to give thanks. I speak for the OCH organization when I say we have plenty to be thankful for. Whenever I hear that phrase, I cannot help but hear Bing Crosby singing the words in the film, Holiday Inn. In the...

National Native American Heritage Month
National Native American Heritage Month

November is designated as National Native American Heritage Month, or as it is commonly referred to, American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. This month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, tradition, and histories and to acknowledge the...

Black History Month
What is Juneteenth?

On June 19, 1865, news of full emancipation finally reached enslaved individuals in Galveston, Texas. This is noted to be the final announcement to the enslaved following the end of the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation...

Nutritionist offers FREE consults at Ozarks Community Hospital
Nutritionist offers FREE consults at Ozarks Community Hospital

Ozarks Community Hospital welcomes registered dietician and nutritionist specialist, Tammy Young, RDN, LD, to the OCH Specialty Clinic, located on the second floor of the hospital. You can’t control everything in life, but you can control what you put in your...

Dr. Morrison Offers FREE Hernia Screenings at OCH
Dr. Morrison Offers FREE Hernia Screenings at OCH

In lieu of Hernia Awareness Month, Ozarks Community Hospital will be hosting FREE hernia screenings on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021 from 10 am – 12 pm. Dr. Stephen Morrison, board certified general and cardiothoracic surgeon at OCH, will be performing the screenings in...

Free sports physicals offered for Gravette athletes
Free sports physicals offered for Gravette athletes

In preparation for the next year, the OCH Gravette Clinic is ensuring that students are prepared for a healthy season with a FREE sports physical event on May 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tammy Colvin, OCH Gravette Clinic manager, said the clinic hopes to help...

Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic in Noel
Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic in Noel

The OCH Noel Clinic is teaming up with the McDonald County Health Department and administering vaccines on Saturday, May 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. There will be two sites for people to receive the vaccine. The first clinic will be held at the OCH Noel Clinic...

Antibody testing available at Ozarks Community Hospital
Antibody testing available at Ozarks Community Hospital

Antibody testing available at Ozarks Community Hospital Curious if you might have covid-19 antibodies but unsure what antibodies are and how long they last? Covid-19 lgG antibody tests are now available at Ozarks Community Hospital of Gravette. Tests will be given...

Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic at Ozarks Community Hospital
Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic at Ozarks Community Hospital

Ozarks Community Hospital is administering vaccines on Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This will be the third clinic that the hospital has held for its rural constituents. The event is open, and free of charge, to anyone who is 18 or older. The hospital...

OCH Lawrence County Welcomes Amanda Chapman, FNP-BC
OCH Lawrence County Welcomes Amanda Chapman, FNP-BC

The OCH Lawrence County Clinic would like to welcome Amanda Chapman, FNP-BC, to our Clinic! We are so glad to have her with us to continue to serve our community. “We are excited to have Amanda join our team,” Stefanie Hohensee, clinic manager, said. “She...

OCH Now Offers Telehealth
OCH Now Offers Telehealth

OCH is proud to offer Telehealth visits at all of our OCH Clinics. No matter where you are, you can now get safe, socially-distanced treatment today. Telehealth appointments are available during normal clinic hours. Please call your local OCH clinic to schedule a...

New Clinic Opens in Rural Benton County to Serve Thousands
New Clinic Opens in Rural Benton County to Serve Thousands

The clinic will serve more than 38,000 people within a 10-mile radius from the clinic AVOCA, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — Thousands of people will now have more convenient access to health care in Benton County. Ozarks Community Hospital announced the opening of the OCH Benton...

Ozarks Community Hospital opens new Benton County Clinic
Ozarks Community Hospital opens new Benton County Clinic

AVOCA -- Ozarks Community Hospital has announced the opening of the OCH Benton County Clinic, located at 102 Russell Road in Rogers. The clinic will bring healthcare to Avoca, a rural community located on the outskirts of the Rogers area. The clinic is run by three...

The “Book Nurse” Prescribes Reading
The “Book Nurse” Prescribes Reading

NOEL — Children around McDonald County call her “The Book Nurse.” Since starting as a family nurse practitioner at Ozarks Community Hospital’s clinic in Noel four months ago, Karen Madsen has earned that title. Nearly half of the clinic’s patients are under 18, and...

OCH Offers Free Skin Cancer Screenings
OCH Offers Free Skin Cancer Screenings

GRAVETTE — In recognition of National Healthy Skin Month, Ozarks Community Hospital of Gravette is offering free skin cancer screenings on Thursday, Nov. 21. Dr. Hilton McDonald, who specializes in identifying and treating skin cancer, will be performing the...

Media Inquiries

All media inquiries should be directed to:

Natalie Taylor-Moore
Director of Business Development
E-mail: [email protected]

Scott Taylor
Hospital Administrator
E-mail: [email protected]

Please review the Media Policies for Ozarks Community Hospital. Take a look at our OCH Media Kit, and be sure to check out our Facebook page, or read our latest blog entry. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Media Policies

As a healthcare organization, it is our first priority to protect our patient’s health, legal rights and welfare. Our hospital cannot release any patient information to the media unless the patient has consented. OCH Health System requires all patients to sign a consent form before being interviewed or photographed by the news media or an in-house video/photographer. To request an interview, please contact Amanda Gittlein, Marketing and Communication Manager.
Media Guidelines

On-duty reporters/photographers are not permitted in the hospital without the permission of the OCH Health System Communications Department. Upon entering, media representatives must immediately report to Admissions or Administration and ask for Amanda Gittlein, Marketing and Communication Manager. Reporters and photographers are expected to wear proper identification including an “OCH Health System Media Badge”while at Ozarks Community Hospital. Reporters and photographers not accompanied by a member of the OCH Health System Communications Department will be immediately escorted from the building.

Videotaping and interviewing without the department’s involvement is only permitted off the hospital campus (outside the hospital buildings and beyond hospital property from the street). Reporters/photographers will be asked to leave the premises if found to be interfering with patients and hospital business.

News vehicles may not park in fire lanes or block hospital driveways.

Patient Condition

Under HIPAA law, the OCH Health System Communication Department may only release a one-word patient condition without signed consent (granted the reporter/photographer already has the patient’s first and last name and the patient’s family has consented). Below are the hospital conditions as listed by HIPAA:

Undetermined – Patient awaiting physician and/or assessment.

Good – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.

Satisfactory – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.

Serious – Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.

Critical – Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.

Additional Restrictions

The law prohibits the Communication Department from releasing any information regarding patients listed as “protective status.” In addition, information will not be provided in instances where the safety and security of a patient and/or hospital staff may be jeopardized.

No information relating to psychiatric conditions, substances abuse or sensitive circumstances will be released.

Ozarks Community Hospital may provide identifying information in relation to a deceased patient after next-of-kin has been notified, unless the patient previously opted out of this release.