OCH Pineville Medical Clinic Announces Saturday Clinic Hours

Jan 21, 2021 | Healthcare Announcements, OCH News

PINEVILLE — The OCH Pineville Medical Clinic is ringing in the New Year by extending its hours to include Saturday mornings from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., starting on Saturday, Jan. 9.

The clinic looks forward to expanding its access in the community by offering weekend hours and being available for any urgent care needs.

Scarlett Frost, OCH Pineville Medical Clinic manager, states, “This is an exciting announcement for our clinic! We will be available for individuals needing treatment for minor illnesses or injuries. We hope that community members throughout all of McDonald County can benefit from our new hours.”

The clinic accepts all insurances and self-pay patients and offers care to anyone by appointment or on a walk-in basis. You may call 417-223-4290 to schedule an appointment.

Ozarks Community Hospital is a tri-state safety-net healthcare provider headquartered in Gravette, Ark., serving both urban and rural communities throughout the Ozarks. Its hospital is based in Gravette and includes a multitude of clinics located in Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas. OCH locations can accept Medicaid, Medicare, UHC Military and most other insurances. For more information, visit www.OCHonline.com.

Media Inquiries

All media inquiries should be directed to

Alexandra O’Dell
Public Relations Manager
E-mail: [email protected]

Natalie Taylor-Moore
Director of Business Development
E-mail: [email protected]

Scott Taylor
Hospital Administrator
E-mail: [email protected]

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