Pay My Bill

Thank you for choosing Ozarks Community Hospital for your healthcare needs. We now accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Japanese Credit Bank and Union Pay. If you have questions regarding your payment, please contact customer service at (417) 837-2000 or [email protected]

Questions? For more information: Billing Policies | Billing FAQs | Accepted Insurance 

Billing Policies

Other Billing Options
Patients may pay a bill by visiting Ozarks Community Hospital Business Park at 1328 E. Evergreen, Springfield, MO 65803 or by mailing a check to:

Ozarks Community Hospital Business Park
Attn: Patient Finance
P.O. Box 9227
Springfield, Missouri 65801-9227

OCH Pricing
Prices for Ozarks Community Hospital services are determined by contract with third party payors (Medicare, Medicaid, insurance companies). Those contracts are subject to change. OCH publishes prices for patients not covered by a third party payor. Click here to see the page with our price list of services for uninsured patients.

OCH Refund Policy
If we determine you have overpaid on an account, we will first apply that credit to any other outstanding balance you may have with in our healthcare system before issuing a paper refund check.

Confidentiality Policy
Ozarks Community Hospital takes personal privacy very seriously. As a result, we use an established and secure payment site to capture information for all regular payments. It automatically encrypts the critical data only allowing us to see pertinent order information. Ozarks Community Hospital does collect personal information necessary to fulfill your payments, this is only reviewed by our employees for fulfillment purposes. Ozarks Community Hospital will not sell or share your information with third parties and is dedicated to storing collected information securely to prevent unauthorized access. 

Billing FAQs


What type of credit cards do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Japanese Credit Bank and Union Pay.


Can I make a payment on more than one bill?

Yes. Each transaction goes toward one bill; to make a payment on more than one bill, patients should start a new transaction (i.e. if you would like to make payments on three separate bills, you will click “make a payment” button to manually enter your information in three separate times).


What is my “Patient Account Number?”

Your patient account number is the number associated with your particular bill. It can be either a 9 digit number beginning with a letter or a 5 digit number beginning with either a number or a letter. This number is usually located in the top right corner of your statement.


How much do I owe?

The amount will be listed on your bill as “due from patient.”


How does Ozarks Community Hospital determine pricing?

Prices for Ozarks Community Hospital’s services are determined by contract with third party payors (Medicare, Medicaid, insurance companies). Those contracts are subject to change. Ozarks Community Hospital publishes prices for patients not covered by a third party payor. Click here to view the page with a price list of services for uninsured patients.

Will I get a receipt?

In order to receive an electronic receipt, you will need to enter an email address at the bottom of the transaction form. Patients who do not enter an email address will NOT receive an electronic copy of their receipt.

Can I request a paper receipt?

You can request a copy of your bill reflecting the payment made by calling 417-837-2000 or [email protected]. Other questions may be directed to [email protected] or [email protected].

Accepted Insurances

Ozarks Community Hospital and clinics accept a wide variety of insurances, for a comprehensive list check out our Forms & Documents. Please verify your insurance with your provider, as not all providers accept the same commercial insurances.

  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • UHC Military
  • Commercial insurances
    (please call your individual provider to verify)

Everyone deserves access to care. Ozarks Community Hospital is the lowest cost healthcare system in the nation based on hospital and physician utilization by Medicare beneficiaries. More than 80% of patients visiting OCH have governmental insurance or are self pay.

We offer discounts of 40% or more to uninsured patients and we’ve never sued a patient to collect a bill. Nor have we reported a patient to a credit bureau for nonpayment.


Uninsured Sliding Fee

No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay; and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income.
For more information about Ozarks Community Hospital’s Discounted Sliding Fees, please download the OCH Discounted Sliding Fee 2025 PDF document.
Escala móvil de tasas e 2025.

It is the policy of Ozarks Community Hospital to discount the hospital’s usual and customary charges for services provided to an uninsured “self-pay” patient in return for prompt payment in full of the discounted amount.

Payment of the discounted amount established by the self-pay fee schedule for office visits, office procedures and urgent care services is expected at the time of service.
Payment of the discounted amount established by the patient finance department for a non-emergency hospital surgery or other service is expected prior to the service.

Payment of any discounted amount billed to the patient after the service is expected in less than thirty days after the date of the invoice statement. If the discounted bill is not paid in full by that date, the next statement shall reverse the discount from the total original charge amount and bill the entire remaining balance.

The discount applies only to patients who have no benefits payable by a third party. The discount does not apply to the patient’s deductible, co-pay, co-insurance, non-covered service liability or out-of-network liability.